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Beta-alanine can reduce fatigue and improve endurance. Could it be another new type of creatine?

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid naturally produced by the body. Today, it has become a popular performance-enhancing supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Like creatine, beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is primarily stored in the body's muscles. Also, like creatine, there is a wealth of high-quality scientific research showing that supplementation with alanine can improve athletic performance.

Beta-alanine is mainly produced in the liver, so beta-alanine can also be supplied to the body through foods such as poultry and meat.

Unlike many other amino acids, beta-alanine does not function in the synthesis of proteins. Instead, it helps produce carnosine, which is stored in skeletal muscle. It's important to note that carnosine is a compound that helps muscles maintain endurance during high-intensity training by reducing the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.

The main effect of taking beta-alanine supplements is to increase carnosine levels in the muscles by about 80%. In sports and physical activity, the effect this has on the athlete's body is to reduce fatigue and increase endurance levels, thereby improving overall performance.



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