Vitamin B3, also known as nicotinamide, is an indispensable nutrient in humans and animals. In the body, nicotinamide combines with ribose, phosphate, and adenylate to form two coenzyme forms, including NAD+ and NADP+. NAD+ and NADP+ are coenzymes of a variety of dehydrogenases in the body, play the role of hydrogen transfer body in the process of biological oxidation, and play an important role in maintaining human health.
The sources of vitamin B3 are very rich in food, among which foods rich in vitamin B3 include liver, kidney, cattle, sheep, pork, fish, peanuts, soybeans, wheat bran, rice bran, millet, and so on.

Physiological functions of vitamin B3:
1. Fat-regulating function
Vitamin B3 reduces total cholesterol (TC), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride (TG) levels, and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) levels.
2. Antioxidant function
Vitamin B3 has a strong antioxidant effect, which can delay the aging process of fibroblasts cultured in vitro, reduce the level of ROS, reduce the production of lipofuscin, and reduce the inhibition of cell growth after mitosis.
3. Anti-inflammatory effect
The study found that vitamin B3 can protect the liver injury of mice induced by a lethal dose of lipopolysaccharide LPS, reduce the concentrations of aminotransferases and inflammatory factors in serum, and improve the survival rate of mice.