L-Carnitine plays an essential role in our body's energy production. Carnitine helps long-chain fatty acids pass through the inner membrane of our body's energy factories, the mitochondria, where they are burned to produce energy. In other words, without the help of carnitine, long-chain fatty acids cannot enter the mitochondria, cannot be burned, and not only cannot produce energy but also accumulate in cells.
In addition, while L-carnitine assists long-chain fatty acids, it also transports some toxic substances out of the organelles. Because of this characteristic, carnitine will be concentrated in some tissues that consume fat as energy sources, such as skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle, so it is a treasure for the human body.

Studies have shown that in healthy adults and children, their bodies produce enough carnitine to meet daily needs because the liver and kidneys can provide enough carnitine from lysine and methionine. But the so-called health and enough should be relative, it depends on your own eating habits and physical condition.
Animal products like meat, fish, poultry, and milk are the best sources. Generally speaking, the redder the meat, the higher the carnitine content. If you think you don't have enough carnitine, L-carnitine supplementation will be the key point to consider.